Unique-Designer fashion for Dolls

Presentation in Art-Magazin

Costume special for antique doll

dollsize 75- 80 cm (31")

dollsize 65-70 cm (26,5")

dollsize around 60 cm (around 23,5")

dollsize around 40 cm (around 16")

Babydollsize around 60 cm (around 23,5")

Babydollsize around 50 cm (around 20")

What we offer your hobby!
  • Our outfits are unique in their design
  • Each costume is materially matched to the supporting object.
  • To decorate the clothes, we use natural fiber tips, silk ribbons,
    Silk flowers, real feathers, glass or glass pearls
  • All dresses wearing their protected label "D.C." (Diamand Coffre)
  • Each costume comes with its own certificate and essay
    Presentation in Art-Magazin